Our Story
Mickey and Betty Gail Jones and seven faith-filled couples planted Compass Church of Batesville 13 years ago with a heart for church planting. The Compass Church of Batesville planted the Compass Church of Southside two years ago with Chad and Julie Graves and a fantastic launch team. Now we are thrilled to see another generation of church planters launch the Compass Church of Mt View with Jonathan and Mandi Johnson and their wonderful launch team. Compass South is thrilled to partner with Compass View and continue the story.

Our group started in pavilions and yards, with sweet times of worship, community, and a lot of prayer for what is happening now. We are so thankful and blessed to be partnering with Compass South out of Southside, AR as they help support us with this church plant.
Sunday Gathering
Join us on Sunday Mornings at the Stone County Fairgrounds at 10:30 AM